Women, migrations and health - Convegno a Izola nell'ambito del progetto INTEGRA

Tipologia evento: 
Terza Missione
Data evento
Data inizio evento: 
07/02/2019 - 09:00
Data fine evento: 
07/02/2019 - 14:00
Data pubblicazione evento
Pubblicato il: 

Dissemination conference of the project INTEGRA (INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia 2014-2020)

OBJECTIVES and CONTENT: Dissemination conference is organised as a part of the INTEGRA project: Cross boarder network for migrant women: social integration, sexual and reproductive health. The conference aims, based on project findings, to put forward some of the important issues related with ensuring healthcare to migrant women, alongside with the importance of professional competence in delivering cultural congruent healthcare. The conference will also include a round table where the representatives of different governmental, non-governmental, professional and project partner organisations will present their experiences and perspectives on migrant women’s health issues. In addition a book promotion of the scientific monograph Women, migrations and health: Ensuring transcultural healthcare will also take place.

CONFERENCE FEE: The attendance is free of charge for all participants.

LANGUAGE OF THE CONFERENCE: The conference will be held in English language. The participants will receive abstracts of the lectures in Slovene and Italian language before the start of the conference.

REGISTRATION: The registration is obligatory and is possible until 3. 2. 2019 via online application form or until the places available are filled. Number of the participants is limited to 120.



Progetto INTEGRA

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14-01-2019 - 11:07