Study trip to Ljubljana - 6th December 2016: Green regeneration and people participation. The Ljubljana case

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Courses Political Sociology (prof. Luigi Pellizzoni) and Sociology of Territory (prof. Giorgio Osti)


 - meetings with (10.30 am – 11.30 am)

Janez Koželj, Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, Ljubljana University, and Deputy Mayor of City of Ljubljana

onThe Project ‘Ljubljana - European Green Capital 2016’

Place: Velika sejna dvorana in the City Hall, Town Square, Ljubljana


- Lunch break


- 2.00 pm

Zala Velkavrh and Jošt Derlink, KD Association prostoRož

on People Involvement in Urban Planning and Practices

Place: Rimska 22, Ljubljana; walks around the city is considered, weather permitting   


Primoz Medved, PhD Student, Ljubljana University, will assist the students group 


- 5.30 pm: Return from Ljubljana (arrival to Trieste about 7.00 pm) 


Ljubljana will be reached with a bus rented by DISPES : departure Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, 8.00 am, side Eni petrol station 


There are still a few seats left: writo to

Ultimo aggiornamento: 01-12-2016 - 15:29