Call for Young People “Young People and Social Inclusion in Cities” - 13-15 November 2023 Rotterdam, Netherlands - deadline 31st of August 2023

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Who can apply?

If you are between 18 and 30 years of age, are actively engaged in your community, passionate about social inclusion and willing to bring your contribution and energy, we encourage you to apply to this call. We are selecting up to 30 young people who are residents from one of the 46 European countries to participate to our signature event – the European Policy Forum Dialogue (EPDF) - in Rotterdam, Netherlands, on 13-15 November 2023.

What is the European Policy Dialogue Forum about?

Some 120 policymakers, religious actors, youth representatives, civil society leaders and experts will come together in Rotterdam for the 5th EPDF to discuss the role of young people in social inclusion in European urban spaces.

How to get selected?

We want to provide an opportunity to motivated young people listen to one another’s concerns, identify opportunities to support and cooperate.

How to apply?

Please fill out this form here by 31st of August 2023. We will inform you if you are selected by the end of September!

If you have questions, please contact us at Europe Region Team KAICIID


Cities are at the forefront of experiencing complex and intersecting challenges, particularly those related to persistent and growing marginalization of those living in the most fragile contexts, particularly young people. Able to prevent emerging issues and address existing problems impacting the daily life of citizens faster, more concretely and in a more participatory way, cities carry high potential to re-ignite a multi-stakeholder and inter-generational dialogue to address the detrimental impacts of intersecting crises due to conflicts, climate shocks and global economic instability. As outlined in EPDF research and policy papers[1], religious leaders and cultural actors have a significant role to play in shaping inclusive and resilient European communities that consider diversity an asset and harness common values within different cultural, religious and humanist heritages. Building a genuine culture of belonging is not only the right thing to do, but an imperative towards getting to the most suitable solutions about social cohesion challenges.


Through workshops, roundtables and plenary discussions, the Forum will explore ways to leverage the untapped potential of broad-based collaborations that involve local policymakers, religious leaders and faith-based actors, civil society and youth groups, as well as international organizations. The Forum will catalyze a common reflection about the “material” and “immaterial” dimensions of social inclusion: on the one hand, policy and legislative frameworks, needs-tailored services and operational strategies that expand opportunities for livelihood and participation in the social, economic, political, cultural and religious aspects of life; on the other hand, creating spaces and opportunities for young people to be and feel accepted and included by who they are, fostering the common humanity that brings us all together, so that the diversity they bring is seen and embraced with a sense of solidarity and “togetherness”.


The Forum


By bringing together young people, policymakers, religious actors, civil society and international organizations, since 2019 the European Policy Dialogue Forum (EPDF) has offered a space to build trust, foster unexpected exchanges and networking, expanding visions and opportunities for action. The intention is to build bridges between cultures and religions, age segments and social groups towards a cohesive and resilient Europe.


The Objectives


  • Provide a space for mutual learning, where young people’s ideas, concerns and recommendations are voiced, including those expressed by young refugees and migrants;
  • Share meaningful experiences that can inspire policies and actions for enhanced social inclusion of young people particularly at urban level;
  • Foster dialogue and unique partnerships between different stakeholders, in particular urban policymakers, religious leaders and faith-based actors, young people as well as refugee and migrant-led organizations.


The Partners


The EPDF is organized by the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) in partnership with the European Council of Religious Leaders/Religions for Peace Europe (ECRL/RfP) and the KAICIID-supported Network for Dialogue and enjoys the support of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).


The Participants


Between 120-150 participants – one third between 18 and 30 years of age - are expected to gather in Rotterdam, Netherlands, from the Council of Europe region: religious leaders and faith-based actors, local and national policymakers, Network for Dialogue members, civil society and international organizations including migrant and refugee-led organizations active in the field of social inclusion, migrant and refugee integration, youth and urban policies, as well as countering hate speech.


The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID)


KAICIID is a unique intergovernmental organization: through its dual governance structure, a Council of Parties made of States, and a Board of Directors made up of religious leaders, it brings together followers of different religious traditions, religious leaders and policymakers. Thanks to this distinct constituency and dual governance structure KAICIID is uniquely placed to harness the transformative power of interreligious and intercultural dialogue as an effective tool to promote justice, peace, social cohesion and reconciliation.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 27-07-2023 - 10:45