WB office for Southern Europe is looking for an International Affairs Intern (3 months initially, renewable once) - application closing date: February 7

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The World Bank office in Rome is looking for an intern to join our team. The office is responsible for handling World Bank relations with Southern European countries (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain).

The announcement for the above paid internship, which will ideally start by March 1, 2018, can be accessed here.  It is a 3-month position renewable once for additional 3 months in case of need.

Interested candidates should send their CVs and cover letter to: italia@worldbankgroup.org AND eurvprecruitment@worldbank.org. Please include the following wording in the subject line:  "Application for ECR Rome Internship"

Questions about this position should be sent to Patricia Soto (psoto@worldbankgroup.org)

The application closing date is February 7.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 05-02-2018 - 11:15