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MIMUN 2016
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We warmly invite students of your University to MIMUN 2016, to be held in Moscow, Russia on Apr. 17th-22nd, 2016.
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Dear Mr. Maurizio Fermeglia!
We are deeply honored to invite students of your University to take part in the Moscow International Model United Nations (MIMUN) 2016!
Model UN is an amalgam of a conference and a role-playing game. It gathers students from universities and high schools who simulate the work of the United Nations organs. Every MUN participant becomes a representative of a UN member-state or an international organization and defends its interests during the discussion of issues on the agenda of a chosen committee throughout the entire Model UN. The task of every committee is to write a resolution relating to a particular problem.
Moscow International Model United Nations will take place from April 17th to 22nd 2016 and will be traditionally held at MGIMO-University, which is the most renowned University in Russia for preparing students for careers in international relations and diplomacy.
We are proud to announce that this year for the second time in the history of our MUN 12 committees will work in the 6 official languages (Russian, English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic) of the UN.
The registration has already started.
Attached, you will find the invitation letter of A. V. Torkunov, the rector of MGIMO-University.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply and invite you to contact us in case you have any questions or proposals.
Oleg Egorov, Secretary-General
Moscow International Model United Nations Conference
Seventeenth Session | April 17th-22nd, 2016
www.modelun.ru <http://modelun.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=eeffd7b5f527b6df2efa0de13&id=3bd2a14cdc&e=bc54354f45> | fp.group@modelun.ru <mailto:fp.group@modelun.ru> |
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Ultimo aggiornamento: 16-11-2015 - 11:27