Department of Political and Social Sciences
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on Thu, 01/09/2014 - 15:28
List of All Research Groups
Research Area:
2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour
Research Strand
Gruppo di ricerca
2.7 Political systems and institutions, governance
What do political parties do? Challenges, adaptation and change in Southern Europe (2010-2012)
2.11 Social studies of science and technology
The quality of deliberation: participatory budgeting and the role of expertise (2010-2012)
2.1 Social structure, inequalities, social mobility, interethnic relations
Social integration and sexual and reproductive health of migrant women in the Friuli Venezia Giulia. The role of culture and family traditions
2.6 Violence, conflict and conflict resolution
Remembering war. Memory’s strategies in front of violent conflict and redefinitions of collective identity referring to the Balkans war 1991-2000 (2010-2012)
2.5 Democratization, social movements
Politica globale, processi decisionali e democrazia (2015-2016)
2.8 Legal studies, constitutions, comparative law, human rights
Lex: Analisi, applicazione e sviluppo della tutela delle Minoranze in Italia e Slovenia (2011-2015)
2.8 Legal studies, constitutions, comparative law, human rights
Le minoranze rom in Europa. Profili giuridici e sociologici (2010-2014)
2.5 Democratization, social movements
La Turchia contemporanea. Mutamenti sociali e nuovi assetti geopolitici (2010-2011)
2.7 Political systems and institutions, governance
Gli interessi organizzati nel parlamento italiano tra prima e seconda repubblica (2012-2014)
2.9 Global and transnational governance, international studies
European citizenship, governance and fundamental rights in a global world (2013-2014)
Research Area:
3 Environment, space and society
Research Strand
Gruppo di ricerca
3.1 Environment, resources and sustainability
Sviluppo sostenibile, green economy. Le opportunità per le Pmi nel campo del risparmio energetico nell'edilizia e delle energie rinnovabili (2011)
3.8 Mobility, tourism, transportation and logistics
Slowtourism: Valorizzazione e promozione di itinerari turistici slow tra l'Italia e la Slovenia (2010-2014)
3.2 Environmental change and society
Pratiche di energia verde: circuiti locali, reti intelligenti, mercati vincolati (2013-2015)
3.8 Mobility, tourism, transportation and logistics
Luoghi sacri fra eredità culturale e turismo religioso (2015-2016)
3.1 Environment, resources and sustainability
L'emersione di paradigmi di sviluppo sostenibile e solidale. Dall'America Latina qualche suggerimento per l'Europa? (2013-2014)
Research Area:
6 The study of the human past
Research Strand
Gruppo di ricerca
6.6 Modern and contemporary history
Neutralità e commercio internazionale in Europa dal XVII al XXI secolo (2015-2016)
6.6 Modern and contemporary history
Negoziati territoriali e mediazioni identitarie fra età moderna e contemporanea (2012-2013)
Research Area:
1 Individuals, institutions and markets:
Research Strand
Gruppo di ricerca
1.2 Development, economic growth
Montleader: Sviluppo locale e sviluppo rurale nell'approccio Leader applicato alle aree montane (2012-2013)
1.9 Competitiveness, innovation, research and development
Le filiere agro-alimentari tra innovazione e tradizione (2012-2013)
1.2 Development, economic growth
Food and Energy. Competition, arrangements and integration in the productive local systems (2010-2012)
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List of All Research Groups w/o Strand
Research Area:
2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour
Research Area
Gruppo di ricerca
2 Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviour
European Young Citizens Participation
Last update: 01-09-2014 - 15:28
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