Head's Office

Surname: Name

Personordinamento decrescente Activities Sheet
Arnaldi Simone Delegato per la Didattica Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Baldin Serena Delegato per la Logistica Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Bernardis Giovanni Referente per la logistica Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Blasutig Gabriele Delegato per l'Orientamento in uscita Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Caccamo Giulia Delegate of the Head of Department Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Carrosio Giovanni Delegato per la mobilità studentesca internazionale Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
De Giorgi Elisabetta Delegato per la mobilità studentesca internazionale, Delegato per le Relazioni Internazionali Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
De Stefano Domenico Delegato per la Ricerca Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Delle Vedove Luisa Referente per la logistica Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Grandi Giovanni Delegato per la Terza Missione Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Louvin Roberto Delegato per le Relazioni Internazionali Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Meyr Georg Head Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Monego Davide Delegato per l'Orientamento in uscita Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Pascale Giuseppe Delegato per le Relazioni Internazionali Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Swain Elizabeth Anne Delegato per l'area linguistica Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Zago Moreno Delegato per l'Assicurazione della Qualita' Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Zotti Jacopo Delegato per la disabilità Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)
Zulianello Mattia Delegato per l'Orientamento in ingresso Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)Personal details (contacts, pubications, cv, etc...)